James S. Rickards High School Alumni Association Mission Statement
Greetings Rickards Highs Alumnus,
James S. Rickards High School Alumni Association (JSRHSAA), an organization of Rickards High graduates, parents and supporters is dedicated to collaborating, addressing and building strong relationships and positive traditions of excellence within this beautiful community. We assist current academic scholars, athletes, parents and other stakeholders in developing valuable skill sets and strategies to maintain positive connections for the betterment of the Rickards Community and beyond. We are currently looking for past Class Presidents of Rickards High. If you are a former class president or have contact with a former class President, please contact Mr. Marcus Stokes at Remember, there is strength in UNITY and numbers. Where there are teamwork and collaboration, great things can be achieved. We are looking forward to having you as a part of our team.
This organization shall be known as the Rickards High School Alumni Association, hereafter referred to as the association, as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws of the organization.
The purpose of the association is
A. To maintain a relationship between alumni and the school and using a variety of communication tools and activities.
B. To provide funds for sponsored events and sustain the operations of the association.
C. To render aid and cooperation to the school in order to facilitate academic and extracurricular goals and student activities.
D. To raise funds through dues paying membership, contributions, and events and activities to support the purpose of the association.
Section l. Classes of Membership
A. Active Membership
1. The active membership shall consist of anyone with an interest in Rickards High School, referred to in this document as ‘members in good standing.’
2. Alumni Members in good standing shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and hold office as an Executive Committee member in compliance with the requirements as outlined in Article IV and Article V.
3. Alumni Members in good standing shall be eligible to serve on committees and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
4. Alumni Members in good standing shall receive information about the operations and activities of the association.
B. Life Membership
The life membership shall consist of dues paying Rickards High alumni who pay the prescribed life membership dues in a single payment, referred to in the document as “members in good standing.”
C. Ten Year Anniversary of Graduation Membership Free membership shall be granted to ten year anniversary of graduation alumni for a period of one year. These members enjoy the rights and privileges of members in good standing.
Section 2. Revocation and Suspension of Membership
The rights and privileges of membership may be revoked or suspended for causes adversely impacting the association or the school at a meeting held two weeks after written notice of intent to take such action by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. The action of membership revocation
and suspension shall not apply to the Executive Director or the officers as alternate procedures are given in Article V, Section B for such action.
Section 1. The Alumni Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the association and shall consist of the following voting members.
A. President
B. President-Elect
C. Vice President Membership
D. Secretary
E. Treasurer
F. Immediate Past President
G. School Liaison
H. Three Members-at-Large
I. Ex-officio Member-at-Large which will be the school principal
J. Parliamentarian
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint standing committee chairpersons and they shall serve as voting members of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Executive Committee members shall serve on the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Terms of Office
1. The President may not succeed himself/herself for more than two (2) terms.
2. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
The duties of the Officers of the Executive Committee shall be those related to their respective offices.
1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, the annual General
Membership Meeting, Executive Committee Meetings, and shall serve as a ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall, with the advice of the Board, appoint special committee chairs. The President and the School Liaison shall be the spokesperson(s) for the association.
2. The President-Elect shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of the President. During the term of the President-Elect, this officer shall observe and learn the duties of the Office of the President to insure a smooth transition
at the time of induction to the office of President. The President-Elect shall perform, from time to time, all duties assigned by the President of the association.
3. The Vice President Membership shall handle all aspects of membership enrollment and maintenance of records.
4. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Executive Committee and Board of Director meetings for the association and shall be responsible for all correspondence for the association.
5. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of all funds, make payments in accordance with the budget and shall
compile financial statements. All checks require the signatures of two of the following: Treasurer, President and/or President-Elect. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget in conjunction with the Executive Committee for approval by the Board of Directors. In the absence or inability of the Treasurer to collect dues or make payments, the President shall be authorized to collect, deposit funds and make payments for the association. The Treasurer shall, at the end of the fiscal year,
submit financial records for audit.
6. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee.
7. The School Liaison shall serve as liaison between the school and the association.
8. The Parliamentary shall serve as the time keeper and monitor of Robert Rules order.
Section 6. Removal and Vacancies
Removal and filling vacancies shall be conducted according to Article V, Board of Directors, Section 2, Letters C and D.
Section 1. Operations
A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the members of the Executive Committee as described in Article IV Section 1.
B. Executive Committee members of the Board of Directors shall serve on the board during the term of their service on the Executive Committee.
C. Members in good standing serving on the Board of Directors, referred to as “at-large Board members”, shall serve a two-year term.
D. The Board of Directors shall meet after due notice not less than once every four months. One-third plus one voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. Qualifications
A. Nominations
Alumni Members in good standing, who aspire to serve as an officer, shall submit an Officer Nomination Form to the Nominating Committee by an established, published deadline. The Nominating Committee may seek members in good standing to serve as officers. The Nominating Committee shall annually prepare a slate of candidates for election or reelection. The recommended
slate shall be presented to the Board in the spring of each year.
B. Election of Officers
The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers and board members for adoption by the Board of Directors in the Spring of each year. The election of Officers will be in June and take office in July. Adoption of the slate requires a two-third vote by the Board at a regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting. The Treasurer shall be appointed as duly noted. The School Liaison shall be appointed in the manner outlined in these bylaws
C. Removal
Any board member may be removed or suspended for cause adversely impacting the association or the school if a motion to propose removal is made and carried at a duly scheduled Board meeting. Subsequently, a two weeks written notice of intent to take action to remove or suspend shall be mailed to members of the Board of Directors. A two-thirds vote is required at the duly noticed board meeting to remove or suspend.
D. Vacancies
Executive Committee or Board vacancies shall be filled by a vote of the remaining Board members. Board members selected in this manner shall serve as a member of the Board to complete the term of the vacated office.
E. Qualification for Membership
Members in good standing shall qualify for appointment to the Board of Directors as members at-large by submitting to the Executive Committee a Desire to Serve Declaration by a Board established and published date.
F. Ties
Parliamentary Procedure shall be followed in the event of a tie.
The Executive Committee shall appoint the following standing committees.
Section 1. Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall annually prepare a slate of officers of individuals who will stand for election to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. A slate shall be presented in the Spring of the year.
Section 2. Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee shall annually review and make recommendations to the Board regarding additions or alterations to the constitution and bylaws of the association.
Section 3. Social Committee
The Social Committee shall make recommendations for socials or events and to perform such duties as may be delegated by the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Newsletter Committee
The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for gathering information of interest to the association, including notice of socials and notice of actions by the association and shall publish an association newsletter at least quarterly prior to a planned social event. She/he shall be responsible for uploading
the PDF file to the website and to the person responsible for the blast email for distribution to the association.
Section 5. Special Committees
The President of the association may authorize such other special committees as necessary.
Business Operations
All funds of the association, including membership dues, donations, and funds generated through activities or events shall be deposited into the association account within ten (10) business days of receipt. An annual external audit shall be conducted at the end of each fiscal year or whenever the
Treasurer position is vacated.
Dues shall be determined each year by the Board of Directors. Dues should be paid to the Treasurer by the beginning of each fiscal year. The membership year shall be July 1 through June 30. Memberships dues may be paid by check made payable to Rickards High School Alumni Association.
Section 1. Annual Membership
Annual membership dues for the association shall be $20.00 for individual membership and $35 for joint memberships only if both spouses are Rickards High School alumni.
Section 2. Life Membership
Life membership dues are $20.00 for an individual membership and $400.00 for a joint life membership only if both spouses are Rickards High School alumni.
Section 3. Ten Year Anniversary of Graduation Membership
This membership is free for one year to Ten Year Anniversary of Graduation alumni with the completion of a membership application.
A. By-law Changes or Revisions
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended after a Bylaws Committee motion for revisions is made and carried at a Board Meeting.
Section 2. Bylaws Committee revision proposals shall be presented in written form to the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting at least 30 days prior.
Section 3. Bylaws may be revised by a two-thirds vote by the Board of Directors.
B. Governing Rules The most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of this association, except when they infringe or contradict the by-laws set forth by the association.
Section 1. The Executive Committee may propose dissolution of the association by submitting to the dues paying membership a resolution to dissolve. The resolution shall be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the ballots returned. In the event of dissolution, the assets of the association shall become the property of the Rickards High School.
Section 2. In the event that the association conducts no business and has no meetings for a period of two fiscal years, it shall be considered dissolved and the assets shall be distributed in the manner described in Section 1. Members in good standing for the last year in which dues were collected shall
be notified of dissolution under this section. Dissolution shall occur 90 days after mailing of notification unless the membership meets and elects officers and begins operation. Any funds remaining after all bills are paid at the time of dissolution shall be transferred to Rickards High School to be used as designated by the association.
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