James S. Rickards High School Alumni Association Mission Statement

Greetings Rickards Highs Alumnus,

James S. Rickards High School Alumni Association (JSRHSAA), an organization of Rickards High graduates, parents and supporters is dedicated to collaborating, addressing and building strong relationships and positive traditions of excellence within this beautiful community.  We assist current academic scholars, athletes, parents and other stakeholders in developing valuable skill sets and strategies to maintain positive connections for the betterment of the Rickards Community and beyond. We are currently looking for past Class Presidents of Rickards High. If you are a former class president or have contact with a former class President, please contact Mr. Marcus Stokes at  Remember, there is strength in UNITY and numbers.  Where there are teamwork and collaboration, great things can be achieved.  We are looking forward to having you as a part of our team.


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If you have any questions about the Alumni Association, click the button below to send us an email directly.